Capstone Helpdesk 2

Arch 200c 2013 Fall

Course Arch 200c
Date 2013/11/15
Learning Objectives For the fabricators,

For the animators - Introduction to Bongo

  • Fabrication Helpdesk
  • Animation Helpdesk
Uses Tool(s)

Fabrication Helpdesk

2:10 Alex Spatzier
2:18 Brooke Hair
2:26 Jeremy Shiman
2:34 Min Zhang
2:42 Rebecca Rusinow
2:50 Tsai-Jung Shen
2:58 Mia Narell
3:06 Xin Xin Nong
3:14 Jessica Jia Chen
3:22 Phirak Suon
3:30 Yuxu Han
3:38 Kasra Yazdanbakhsh
3:46 Joanna Salem
3:52 Brooke Jones
4:00 Nancy Mei
4:08 Baxter (Taylor) Smith

Animation Helpdesk

Introduction to Bongo

Bongo is a key frame animation plugin for Rhino. Almost all properties associated with 3d models can be animated with Bongo. This includes object motion, rotation, scale, color, visibility, light, material, and gloss. Like render views in Rhino Bongo works via a camera within model space that preform all motions associated with a traditional video camera. The introduction to Bongo workflow will be specifically targeted to the architectural diagram and hyper real components of your animation.

The Bongo Website is quite helpful and includes a lot of quick workflows.

We will be looking at this Introduction to Bongo workflow to become familiar with the

We don't have time to cover nearly all the techniques available in Bongo so here are some useful links:

Animating Named Views

Animating Layer Visibility

Exploded View, Linked Objects, and Walking Along a Path

Animating Transparency

To begin animating open the bongo timeline by typing BongoTimeline in the command line.

Use ScaleKeyframes command changes the distance between selected keyframes so they are closer or farther apart.

We will use a simple object with a color texture to look at transparency animation.


  1. Apply color texture to object. Note: for simple transparency animation it is easier to use Rhino Render / Materials Editor than Vray.
  2. Select object to animate.
  3. Open up the Material editor in Rhino, Render Menu > Material Editor.
  4. In the Material Editor, create a Basic Material and assign it to the object. Assign it by right clicking on the Material and choosing Assign to Selection.


  1. In the Timeline, click the Animate button.
  2. Move the Timeline Slider to tick 50.
  3. Move the Timeline Slider to tick 100.
  4. Move the Timeline Slider to tick 100.
  5. In the Timeline, click the Animate button to deactivate it.
  • Note: If you use Rhino Render the background will be default grey. You will need to change this in After Effects using Colour Keying. Here is a link to a quick workflow on how to do this.

Vray Transparency Animation

If you have objects in the scene that have Vray textures and thus cannot use Rhino Render for transparency animation you can add any texture via Vray. Keyframe the transparency with the "Animate" button using the transparency color icon in the Vray material editor. Remember black is 100% opaque and white is 100% transparent.

Animating Morphing

  1. Choose the object you want to animate and press F10 to activate the Control Points.
  2. In the Timeline, click the Animate button.
  3. A keyframe will be added (in red) every time you adjust both the time slider and one or several control points.
  4. Press F11 to turn the control points off.
  5. Placement of keyfram icons can be moved in time when object is selected.

Animating Along a Line

We will be working with three identical spheres along three identical paths to see both how to animate along a path and how to use the curve editor to control speed.

  1. Click on the first object you want to animate. Go to the properties tab > Bongo button > animated selected objects button (also has the bongo icon). Do this for the second two spheres.
  2. Choose simple constraint > Click the + button > to path > name the path


The Curve Editor

  1. From the Bongo dropdown menu at the top of the screen, open the keyfram editor.
  2. You will see the numbered keyframes at the bottom of the keyframe editor. Drag select over all the keyframe icons.
  3. Change the Tweening constraints from cardinal spline to coustom. This activates the handles in the curve editor. You can zoom out in the curve editor for more control of handles.
  4. To add more control points for varied motion > sleect the object > right click in the timeline > add keyframe > selected object > precalculated


Animating the Sun

  1. Open the sun panel by typing "sun" into diologue box. Drag the sun tab next to the properties tab.
  2. Enable the sun by checking the sun box in the panel.
  3. Set sun start time in date and location settings.
  4. Open Bongo Timeline
  5. Set the date/time/place setting for where you want the sun to start.
  6. Move the time slider to "0"
  7. Click the Animate button.
  8. Move the time slider to where you want the sun animation to end.
  9. Chance the sun date/time settings for where you want the sun to end.

Rendering Animation

We will be using this workflow to look at the steps for rendering Bongo animations.

A few quick notes on rendering:

  1. Be sure that batch rendering is checked in VRay under the "Global Swatches" tab. This will allow you to render more than just one image.
  2. Make sure you output your files as PNG files. - PNG files are lossless, which means that they do not lose quality during editing and they retain transparency. This is unlike jpegs, where they lose quality. PNG files tend to be larger than jpegs, because they contain more information, and are lossless.
  3. When you import into After Effects > right click in project panel > import multiple files > PNG sequence.
    1. The PNG sequence will be default 30 fps. Right click on the sequence in the project panel > interpret footage > main > change to desired frame rate

Bongo Commands

  • Bongo
    • Loads the Bongo plug-in, which adds the Bongo menu and toolbars to Rhino.
  • BongoAbout
    • Displays About Bongo splash screen.
  • BongoAddKeyframe
    • Adds a keyframe to the timeline.
  • BongoAdvancedHierarchySettings
    • Opens the Advanced Hierarchy Settings dialog box.
  • BongoAnimate
    • Sets Bongo’s animate mode.
  • BongoAnimateEntity
    • Add or removes animation from/to an entity (object, view, light, layer, content or document). Adding animation will add the entity to the Animation Manager and removing will remove it.
  • BongoAnimationLimits
    • Sets the start and end tick for the animation.
  • BongoAnimationManager
    • Opens the Animation Manager window.
  • BongoAnimationSets
    • Provides the ability to set up and run multiple animations in the same model.
  • BongoChangeConstraintHeading
    • Changes the direction on an object, relative to the pivot axis, which will face the target in a constrained condition
  • BongoChangeRotationOrder
    • Changes the order that rotations are applied to objects.
  • BongoConstrainObjectLookAlong
    • Constrains an object to look along a curve.
  • BongoConstrainObjectLookAt
    • Constrains an object to look at another object.
  • BongoConstrainObjectToPath
    • Constrains an object to follow a path curve.
  • BongoConstrainObjectToPivot
    • Constrains an object to another object pivot.
  • BongoConstrainViewportCameraToObjectPivot
    • Constrains a viewport camera to an object pivot.
  • BongoConstrainViewportCameraToPath
    • Constrains a viewport camera to follow a path curve.
  • BongoConstrainViewportLookAlong
    • Constrains a viewport camera to look along a curve.
  • BongoConstrainViewportTargetToObjectPivot
    • Constrains a viewport target to an object pivot.
  • BongoConstrainViewportTargetToPath
    • Constrains a viewport target to follow a path curve.
  • BongoCopyKeyframe
    • Copies a keyframe to another tick number.
  • BongoCurveEditor
    • Graphically edits the speed of animated objects.
  • BongoDeleteKeyframe
    • Deletes a selected keyframe.
  • BongoEmailNotification
    • Sets up email to be sent as animation frames are rendered.
  • BongoEnableObject
    • Enable/Disable animation for an object.
  • BongoEnableView
    • Enables/Disables animation for a view.
  • BongoHelp
    • Opens the Bongo Help file.
  • BongoIkProperties
    • Opens the Document Properties dialog box at the Bongo page.
  • BongoKeyframeEditor
    • Opens the Bongo Keyframe Editor.
  • BongoLinkChain
    • Sets up parent/child relationships and moves pivots forming a chain of linked objects.
  • BongoLoadEntityFromFile
    • Imports animation data
  • BongoLooping
    • Changes looping properties for one or more objects.
  • BongoMatchAnimationProperties
    • Select a source and target object to copy animation properties from the source to the target.
  • BongoMoveKeyframe
    • Moves the keyframes in a range of ticks forward or backward a specified number of ticks.
  • BongoMovePivot
    • Changes the position of the pivot on an animated object.
  • BongoNamedViewsWizard
    • Sets up a view animation through a series of named views.
  • BongoObjectConstraintsManager
    • Manages object constraints.
  • BongoObjectEnable3dTweening
    • Turns on 3-D tweening for the selected object.
  • BongoObjectIkProperties
    • Opens the Document Properties dialog box at the Bongo page.
  • BongoObjectResetIk
    • Reverts an model with IK constraints to its original/base state.
  • BongoPivotDisplay
    • Turns pivot display on and off for selected objects.
  • BongoPlaceProxyPoint
    • Places an animated point object in the model and prompts to select its children.
  • BongoPlayDead
    • Hides Bongo objects and controllers such as pivots and IK joints and Bongo interface items, such as the Timeline and Animation Manager.
  • BongoPreCalculateIk
    • Removes any cached values on the objects and restores the IK solution to a state similar to what you would have when you started creating joints.
  • BongoPreviewAnimation
    • Previews the animation.
  • BongoRemoveKeyframes
    • Removes all animation data from an object.
  • BongoRenderAnimation
    • Sets rendering options for an animation.
  • BongoRenderFileCollection
    • Batch renders a group of animated files.
  • BongoResetPivot
    • Returns the object pivot to its default orientation.
  • BongoRotate
    • Special rotate command that allows an object to rotate around its pivot.
  • BongoRotatePivot
    • Rotates the object pivot.
  • BongoSaveEntityToFile
    • Saves object animation data so it can be applied to a different object in a different file.
  • BongoSaveObjectCSVFile
    • Saves animation data to a comma-separated-value file that can be used in spreadsheet programs.
  • BongoScale
    • Special scale command that allows an object to scale around its pivot.
  • BongoScaleKeyframes
    • Redistributes keyframes by increasing or decreasing the tick distance between them by a specified scale factor.
  • BongoSelectChildren
    • Set up parent/child relationships between objects by selecting child objects for a selected parent object.
  • BongoSelectParent
    • Sets up parent/child relationships between objects by specifying a parent object for a selected set of child objects.
  • BongoSetCurrentTick
    • Sets the timeline slider to a specified tick.
  • BongoSetTimelineDisplayRange
    • Sets the range of tick numbers that are displayed on the timeline.
  • BongoShowPivotPath
    • Displays a dotted line showing the path of the object’s pivot over the length of the timeline.
  • BongoShowViewPath
    • Displays a dotted line showing the path of the view camera and target over the length of the timeline.
  • BongoTimeline
    • Opens the Timeline window.
  • BongoTimelineDeleteTicks
    • Deletes a specified number of ticks beginning at a tick location.
  • BongoTimelineInsertTicks
    • Inserts a specified number of ticks beginning at a tick location.
  • BongoUseSphericalTweening
    • Uses spherical coordinates rather than Cartesian coordinates between view keyframes.
  • BongoVideoEncoder
    • Launches the Bongo Video Encoder application.
  • BongoViewConstraintsManager
    • Manages view constraints.