Week 5

Arch 2042 2012 Spring

Course Arch 2042
Date 2012/03/23
Learning Objectives We will introduce the basics of reading and writing to a file. We will then focus specifically on how to parse tabular data files, understood as reading a given file and producing a data structure required to accomplish a larger goal.
  • Workshop: Structure of Code III
    • Basic I/O
    • Parsing a Tabular Data File
  • Midterm Project
    • Desk crits
    • In-class review
    • Final Deliverables
Uses Tool(s)

Workshop: Structure of Code III

Inputting/Outputting to a File

Basic I/O
introduces the basics of creating a file object and reading and writing to the file
Parsing Tabular Data Files
introduces the basics of analyzing a text file and producing a data structure required to accomplish a larger goal.

Midterm Project

In class, we went over the suggested assignment for today, which was to try out each of the three main components of the project:

  1. Capturing the elliptical tower as a double list where the first index might loop through each floor and capture the points on each floor.
  2. Calculating the beam intensity on one plane first for a fixed hour of some day. Once you've succeeded doing that, try to iterate across all the planes that make up your geometry and calculate the beam intensity for all the planes for that fixed hour.
  3. Visually representing this analysis by drawing a line normal to each plane that is proportional to the beam intensity.

Midterm Project Sample Code

Final Deliverables

Please prepare 5 slides that illustrate the following:

  • Describe the rationale for your fin design. This might include an illustration of your initial design concept and how your concept evolved. This must include how you have taken the solar incidence analysis into consideration.
  • What are the parameters of your design? In addition to illustrating tradeoffs that you may have encountered by only taking beam intensity into consideration, this may be good way to detail the process that you have undertaken to incorporate other considerations (such as view, structural capacity) or insights gained from the weather file. Demonstrate the range of solutions generated by your design and the selection methods/criteria that you have developed to select amongst this range of solutions given the specific site location.
  • Show suitable orthographic projects and perspectives of your design solution .
  • Discuss the issues involved in extending your design to another site location of your choice. Please choose a location amongst the ones offered at Energy Plus Weather Data and email your choice to me before Monday, April 2. I will send back a dirNormals.txt file for that location.

Please place your slides and all accompanying code into a folder called Midterm_LastName1_LastName2 into each of your Dropbox folders before class on April 6. Your team will be giving a tight 10 minute presentation about your project in class.