Introduction: BIM and REVIT concepts and terminology.

Arch 100b 2012 Summer

Course Arch 100b
Date 2012/06/22
Learning Objectives This class will serve as an introduction to the program, explaining some of the basic tools and concepts.

Introduction: BIM and REVIT concepts and terminology.

  • Interface Organization:
  • Project Organization Overview: View Types, References, Content.
  • Importing, Linking, and Exporting: AutoCad, Illustrator, Photoshop, Rhino.
Uses Tool(s) Revit

BIM and REVIT concepts and terminology


Building Information Modeling is a process of creating and managing a digital model of a building that is backed up by a database that contains all the information about the building.

More specific to our situation, the BIM approach to design treats the building as a collection of objects that have specific parameters and relationships to each other. In short, instead of simply drawing lines, NURBS curves, or polygons one draws with digital building components. The end result is a sort of “Virtual Building” The database side of BIM is essentially a collection of all of the objects that comprise this virtual building, their individual parameters, and their relationships to each other.

The advantage of maintaining all of this data in the BIM process, is that the building model and any changes to it remain consistent throughout the project. Drawings and Views, any visualizations, of the building are kept consistent, changes can be made to the parameters of any individual building component and automatically updated across the project, objects in the building maintain their relationships to each other, and data about the building can be easily updated and retrieved from the model.

BIM is also meant to allow for more accurate analysis of building performance. Various programs can use the information contained in the building model to perform cost, structural, energy, daylighting analysis and the results can then be used to inform the design of the building. All of these tasks can be performed on the same model by various members of the design team, so that everyone involved in the project, whether Architecture, Engineering, or Construction, works off the most current version of the model.


Revit is Autodesk’s application for BIM. There are others, but Revit is currently the market leader in the U.S. The goal here is to provide a basic understanding of this program and also how it can fit into the workflow of the tools that we likely already use.

Interface Organization

  • Application Button/Menu
  • Quick Access ToolBar (Button Description)
  • Tabs and Ribbon
  • Properties Window/Palette
  • Project Browser
  • Drawing Area
  • View Control Bar

Project Organization

The Revit Workflow: Views, References, Content.


Level 1
Level 2



The Building Model
the components that are used to build the model, the parts they are grouped into different categories depending on their function in the building. These categories determine how the families are analyzed, exported, and visualized.
System families: (also called host families)
Settings that determine how everything in revit looks and acts
exist only in the project
exist in multiple projects and families
exist in the family and are edited there
affect all instances of a particular type within a family
a single instance of a family.