Introduction to Modes of Representation

Objective: To familiarize the student with the tools and techniques available to aid in clearly representing URBAN issues in the design process.

Week One

Introduction to Modeling Techniques, Materials and Tools

Objective: To familiarize the students with the Rhino 3D interface to enable the students to generate templates and cut files for physical models.

Week Two

Introduction to ArcGIS

Objective: This lecture is intended to introduce you to the basic vocabulary concept and use of ArcGIS. ArcGIS is a large program with many extensions and many uses.

Week Three

ArcGIS and Exporting to Illustrator

Objective: This lecture is intended to expand on your recent knowledge of the ArcGIS interface and focus on generating GIS files that can be exported to Illustrator and edited to create analytical mappings.

Week Four

Modeling with Rhinoceros 4

Objective: This lesson will build upon the student’s current knowledge of modeling with Rhino and introduce them to the tools needed to generate well-crafted 3D models.

Week Five

Modeling with Rhinoceros 4

Objective: This lesson will build upon the student’s current knowledge of modeling with Rhino and introduce them to the tools needed to generate well-crafted 3D models.

Week Six

Introduction to Google SketchUp and Site Analysis

Objective: This tutorial will introduce the basic use of SKETCHUP focusing on lighting studies of urban models to generate an understanding of URBAN site conditions.

Week Seven

Rhino 2D/AutoCAD

Objective: This tutorial will be geared towards getting the student familiar with 2D Rhino, focusing on the Rhino interface, document set-up, tools and techniques for generating 2D drawings.

Week Eight

Rhino 2D/AutoCAD

Objective: This tutorial will be geared towards getting the student familiar with 2D Rhino, focusing on the Rhino interface, document set-up, tools and techniques for generating 2D drawings.

Week Nine

Introduction to Vray & Travel Documentation Methods

Objective: This tutorial will introduce the students to a basic understanding of Vray lighting and materials to allow the students to architectural renderings.

Week 10


Week Eleven

Week Twelve

Post-Production of Renderings

Objective: This lesson will focus on the post production of renderings by introducing Photoshop techniques to aid in the generation of presentation-ready images.

Week Thirteen

Presentation Techniques

Objective: In an attempt to aid in the production of final boards, this class will focus on board layout and composition as a tool for final presentations.

Week Fourteen

Pin-Ups/Desk Crits

Week Fifteen