Workshop 2c

Arch 200c 2013 Fall

Course Arch 200c
Date 2013/10/01
Learning Objectives In this workshop students will learn how to realistically turn a building photo taken in the day into a night photo with rain, reflection, and additional scene elements. Emphasis will be placed on the use of layer masks as essential editing tools that overlay rather than corrupt the original image.
  • Workshop 2c
    • Using Layer Masks
    • Adding Scale Objects
    • Adding Rain and Reflection
  • In-class Exercise
    • Recreating the Scene
Uses Tool(s)

This session will be led by Kirsten Larson.

Workshop 2c

Today's workshop will closely follow the Day-to-Night Photomontage workflow.

In-Class Exercise

After an introduction to several methods in Photoshop that allow you to add entourage to photos/drawings/renders as well as adjust light/background/time of day effects students will work in class to develop their current studio montage images.

The following should be added:

  • Scale human figures - if you do not have your own this is a good site:
  • An image of the sky taken at the sight or night image of the sky
  • A lighting effect which creates shadows - sun, moon, building aperture, external light source


We'll have a studio redline pinup during our next class session (this Thursday). Please have a draft version of all required drawings pinned up in room 901 by the start of class.