3D Model of Case Study House

Screenshot Eames model.png
For this exercise we will be using the 2D information drawn in Rhino from Exercise 1 to create a 3D model.
Assessment objectives

Assessment objectives include:

  • Ability to align separate drawings and their elements
  • Use of basic 3D Rhino Commands
  • Arrangement of 3D elements
  • Ability to include 3D details
Exercise Type Problem Set
Evaluation Criteria
High Pass
3D model includes terrain, walls, structure, and openings for windows and stairs. Previous layer organization is maintained.
3D model includes terrain, walls, structure, and openings, but with clear errors. Previous layer organization is messy.
Low Pass
Incomplete 3D model, missing various key elements. No layer organization.
no submission
Uses Tool(s) Tool:Rhino v4.x
Uses Workflow(s) Workflow:210577

Using your existing Rhino file with plan(s), sections, and elevations of your assigned case study house, you will align the drawings together and through various Rhino3D commands, extrude curves to create a 3D model. The emphasis of this exercise is to get the majority of the structural system and walls in place. Window framing elements, furniture, and the like do not need to be focused on in great detail at this point. Create elements of the building in 3D on separate layers as was done in the 2D drawings, maintaining a similar 3D layer hierarchy to stay as organized in the modeling process as possible. Keeping 3D elements of the same material on one layer will help when we move into rendering and textures.

Please save the 3D model as a .3dm file:

Last Name,First Name_Week 2 _Section 01 or 02

Please upload to Box no later than 10pm on Thursday, July 9th