Transforming Objects in Rhino

Screenshot Transforming.jpg
Transformation is a term that describes a number of mathematical changes that can alter forms in Euclidean space. An object’s scale, position, and rotation can all be ‘transformed.’ Rhino takes care of the mathematical complexity of ‘transformations’ behind the scene, allowing designers to focus on the use of transformations in creative form making. This tutorial will introduce transformation basics as well as some more creative uses of transformations.
Assessment objectives

Assessment objectives include: Transformation of an original form by using the following tools:

  • Shear
  • Taper
  • Cage Edit
  • Twist
  • Bend
  • Flow
  • Move
  • Scale
Exercise Type Problem Set
Evaluation Criteria
High Pass
Low Pass
Uses Tool(s) Tool:Rhino v4.x
Uses Workflow(s)