Week 7 - Output methods: Fabrication/Animation

124b 2015 Summer

Course 124b
Date 2015/08/05
Learning Objectives Mastering of unrolling and sectioning

Basic animation from outputs

  • Productin of Physical Model
  • Agenda Item Two
    • Agenda Item Two Point One
    • Agenda Item Two Point Two
  • Agenda Item Three
Uses Tool(s) Grasshopper , [[Rhino|]]

As digital design techniques have expanded methods for the generation and fabrication of complex geometries, now we will focus on the acquisition of digital modeling skills of more complex geometries and techniques. This assignment will look at unrolling and sectioning as two ways of outputting more complex geometry from Rhino into the physical realm. Choose a portion of your key study envelope. Use the ‘unroll’ tool in Rhino to flatten and label the geometry.