Week 5 - Data Management and Trees

124b 2014 Summer

Course 124b
Date 2014/07/23
Learning Objectives This session will begin learning to manage large amounts of structured data in nested lists in order to create connections between relative geometric items.
  • Review: working in UV space
  • Lecture: Lists and Trees
  • Exercise: Making a space frame
Uses Tool(s) Grasshopper

The use of single lists is limited to the manipulation of a series of geometries within a small design context, in the same way that selecting multiple objects in the Rhino environment allows for a command to be executed on all of them simultaneously. However, operating in the Grasshopper environment on a list of items maintains the structured hierarchy of the input geometry, and outputs a series of items or lists for each item of the input. This allows for the manipulation of groups of items relative to their precedent geometry. This session will focus on handling these nested lists.

Lecture: Trees

  • Reviewing Lists
    • items/relative items, length, null
    • reversing, shifting
    • dispatching, splitting, culling
    • long, short, crossref
  • Trees
    • what is a tree?
    • handling lists of lists: graft, flatten
    • matrixes and grids
    • extracting tree items: explode, tree branch, tree item
    • cleaning trees
  • Higher level trees:
    • nested lists
Making a space frame


Combining the massing script from week 3 with the facade script from week 4, link the two so that the change in massing affects the change in facade.
Please submit the final Grasshopper file (.gh or .ghx) and a Rhino file with baked geometry (.3dm, Rhino5 or earlier) to dropbox by next Monday at midnight.