Workshop 4d

Arch 200c 2013 Fall

Course Arch 200c
Date 2013/11/12
Learning Objectives This workshop presents a birds-eye overview of Grasshopper, the popular parametric modeling plug-in for Rhino. Acquiring even a working knowledge of parametric modeling takes time, and is perhaps worthy of a visual studies seminar. While this single two-hour workshop cannot hope to cover even the basics, it will provide students with exposure to the basic language and workflow in Grasshopper.
  • Workshop 4d
  • In-Class Exercise
Uses Tool(s) Rhinoceros

This session will be led by Kyle Steinfeld.

Workshop 4d

This workshop will closely follow the 2-hour overview of Grasshopper found here .

Powerpoint of Departure

Our mid-project review will set the stage for our second powerpoint presentation of the semester.