Week 2

ARCH-2347 2014 Fall

Course ARCH-2347
Date 2014/09/22
Learning Objectives The abstract concepts of algorithm and data structures will be framed by exploring geometric constructions using a simple toolkit, and graphic diagrams to view code structure and execution will be introduced.
  • Lecture
    • A Simple Geometric Toolkit
    • Structure of Code: Code and Diagram
  • Workshop
    • Control Flow: if/else and for loops
    • Collections
    • Basic Code Organization and Modularization
Uses Tool(s) Rhinoceros , Grasshopper



See workshop file week2 in the Class Dropbox

Structure of Code

Control Flow

How do computers execute instructions? The control-flow statements specify the order in which computations are performed.

statements used to express decisions.
loops statements control iterations.

Object Representation and Manipulation

working with groups of objects in Python


Attractor Point and Perspective - Create a composition on a rectangular canvas that includes the use of an attractor point (that also traverses the extent of the canvas). As your attractor point moves, so also should there be a transformation and your viewer be confronted with a (possibly unexpected) change in perspective. Give some thought to your composition. A good composition should have an element of play but always of control.

Place your Grasshopper file as well as 3 baked (or hard-boiled) perspectives into the Class Dropbox under Assignments/[Your Name] before class.