Week 1 - Introduction + 2d Drafting

Arch 123 2012 Summer

Course Arch 123
Date 2012/06/18
Learning Objectives This first class will serve as an introduction to the course and its objectives for the short summer semester. Students will be introduced to the online wiki which will provide the course content and weekly assignments. In class, we will go over a workflow that emphasizes 2d drafting using Rhino, in which the students will trace existing drawings. After this class, students will have an understanding of how the class will run, be able to navigate the wiki and be prepared to undertake the first part of Exercise One.
  • Introduction to the course, format and objectives
    • Overview of syllabus and exercises
    • Studiomaven Tour
  • Survey on student skills + abilities
  • Lecture on drawing styles with emphasis on drafting techniques
  • Workflow 1: 2d Drafting
  • In class exercise
  • Project one hand-out + Group assignments
Uses Tool(s) Rhinoceros , Illustrator CS5

In this course, we will be working with Rhino 4 - constructing 2d drawings and then using these drawings for the creation of a 3d model. It is assumed that most students in the course are already familiar with Rhino, therefor we will spend most of the time discussing efficient tools and techniques for drafting and modeling. At any time, feel free to browse this Wiki to find more information on a certain interface or search for other workflows that will not be covered in this course.



Please help ME make this course more helpful for you and your interests by filling out this survey http://www.surveymonkey.com/s/RR3VL2C .

2d Drafting in Rhino : Style vs Precision

Today we'll be going through a variety of examples that showcase the different styles seen in 2d drawings that still embody detail and precision. We will then go through the workflow showing how to recreate these types of style by tracing an existing drawing. Tips on drawing efficiency precision will be emphasized.

Workflow: Tracing Drawings in Rhino
Exercise: Tracing Drawings in Rhino

Composite Drawing links:
Inspired? Browse these links to find more elaborate examples of composite drawings that really emphasize style and composition:
Presidents Medals
Krob Awards

Adobe Suite Download
Rhino Student Version