AutoCAD 2012


a software application for computer-aided design (CAD) and drafting in both 2D and 3D. The most used CAD software for Architects. Very precise drafting and easy to transfer / share files with other users.
Manufacturer Autodesk
Screenshot Autocad 2012.jpg
Entities Here we will list all the Entities.

Interfaces Here we will list all the Interfaces.

Methods Here we will list all the Methods.

Plotting a Layout , Creating a Layout for Plotting , Creating and Modifying Geometry , Inserting a Reference Image , Creating and Assigning Layers

The AutoCAD Interface

The major elements of the interface are called out below. Model space is where one does the drawing, while paper space is where one lays out the plot.

The MODEL SPACE view ACADinterface 01.jpg

The PAPER SPACE view ACADinterface 02.jpg

The RIBBON ACADRibbon 00.jpg