Week 13

Arch 100b 2012 Spring

Course Arch 100b
Date 2012/04/20
Learning Objectives This class will emphasize the importance of STYLE, especially for final renders and presentation layout. What is more important in your presentation: life-like renders or a stylistic objective that aligns with your project? How can different effects in Photoshop add or detract from your building proposal? How can your primary design operations play a role in organizing your final boards?
  • Style
    • Presentation of different styles and competition boards
    • Overview of how to achieve specific style effects
  • Presentation Boards
    • Laying out boards in Illustrator
    • Laying out boards in InDesign
Uses Tool(s) Photoshop CS5 , Illustrator CS5 , InDesign CS5

Lecture 13
Workflow 13
Mocking up Presentation Boards Using Illustrator
Additional Workflow
Laying Out Large-Format Presentation Boards in InDesign

Exercise 13
Final Board Mock-Up