Workshop 3b

Arch 200c 2014 Fall

Course Arch 200c
Date 2014/10/21
Learning Objectives The second workshop on raster techniques, demonstrating the use of entourage, texture, and rendered effects in Photoshop. Also covers the preparation of image-based data in other software for manipulation in Photoshop, for example, aligning rendered images with photographs and working between vector line drawings and image files.
  • Adobe II (Photoshop)
    • Day-to-Night (45 min)
    • Creating a Montage from a base Render (45 min)
  • In-Class Exercises
    • Apply new skills (30 min)
Uses Tool(s) Photoshop CS5 , Rhinoceros , VRay

PowerPoint of Departure

Introduction to the Manifesto and PowerPoint project.

Adobe II: Entourage, Texturing, and Alignment in Photoshop

Today we will begin with a brief overview of Photoshop. Our focus is on how Photoshop can be used as a non-destructive editing program, looking specifically at region selection, creating image and layer masks, and adding entourage, texturing, and lighting.

In-Class Exercises

We will cover two complementary workflows in class today, one that illustrates the large scope of possible rendered effects that can be achieved by working purely within Photoshop, and a second that demonstrates how to use a rendering as a base layer for work in Photoshop.

Day-to-Night Photomontage
This workflow demonstrates how to realistically turn a building photo taken in the day into a night photo with rain, reflection, and additional scene elements. Emphasis will be placed on the use of layer masks as essential editing tools that overlay rather than corrupt the original image.
Post-Processing an Interior Rendering Using Photoshop
This workflow will teach how to use a variety of post-processing techniques in Photoshop to create an interior rendering that effectively conveys material and lighting effects.


Process Breakdown

Alex Hogrefe
A insider's discussion on the mechanics of producing rendered images in 3d modeling and post-processing in Photoshop, including detailed breakdowns of how images are produced.
Before and After
Compare this initial rendering showing basic form and lighting with this final rendering to see the difference some Photoshop work can make.
The images can also be downloaded here and here .

Scale Figures, etc


Previous Sessions

Analogous 2013 Session
The above content roughly corresponds with this class session from last year.
Analogous 2012 Session
The above content roughly corresponds with this class session from two years ago.
Analogous 124a Session
The above content roughly corresponds with this class session from the Summer.

Useful Workflows

Lighting Adjustments & Select Pixel Editing in Photoshop
This workflow teaches Photoshop as a tool for adjusting lighting properties within separate layers and manipulating select pixel groupings for an overall photorealistic effect. Adjustment Layers (including filters and transparencies) and basic pixel editing are emphasized. Students will learn an efficient process in lighting adjustments and pixel editing which can be used throughout the design process; from concept development through presentation renderings.
Layer Management and Image Merge in Photoshop
This workflow teaches Photoshop as a tool for merging separate images into a single unified composition. Layer management and the use of selection tools are emphasized. Students will learn an efficient process in photo editing which can be used throughout the design process; from concept development through presentation renderings.
Creating a Composite Image with the Selection Tool in Photoshop
This workflow will go through the many ways you can use the selection tool to divide images into separate layers of information that can be edited for specific purposes afterwards.
Entourage in Perspective
For this exercise, we will discuss the importance of using entourage in perspective architectural renderings. We’ll focus on how to interpret the relationships of space into the drawing’s entourage according to the horizon line in perspective, the methods used to obtain rendered perspective drawings, and the tools in Photoshop necessary to complete them.
The following workflows are of lower quality, but still may be of some value
Creating a Tilt Shift Rendering Using Photoshop
Tilt shift renderings are used to make a normal environment appear in miniature. This tutorial will go through the steps necessary to create a tilt shift rendering using Photoshop.
Interior Composite Render
We will use Vray to render a Rhino model using artificial lights. Then use Photoshop to compile and edit the final image.
Using Actions for Repetitive Tasks in Photoshop
Actions in Photoshop make performing repetitive tasks faster and reduces the chance of making an error. In this tutorial, learn how to record an action, save it, and use it.